Q. What are the opening times?
A. We open at 7.45am and close at 5.45pm.

Q. What do we bring each day?
A. Two pieces of fruit, formula/breast milk and bottles if required, a hat, spare clothes and any comforters. We supply nappies, cows milk, lunch and afternoon tea prepared by our cook.

Q. What is the enrolment process?
A. Once we are able to offer you a position, we invite you to take a Centre tour. When you have accepted the position, paid the $50 bond, you can then organise to begin transition visits with the Educators in the assigned room. The first visit is to get to know you and your child’s needs and individual requirements, the following visits (usually 3-4) are to trial leaving your child at different times of the day. This helps with beginning to form relationships and becoming familiar with the environment.

Q. How long is the waiting list?

A. This varies for each room and is dependent on the days required and start date. As vacancies arise they are filled as per the Governments priority of access.

Q. What are the fees?
A. We charge $137 per day. We also charge $2.00 per week, per family for a maintenance levy.

Q. What are the qualifications of the staff?
A. All staff are qualified in Early Childhood Education & Care, refer to ‘Our Team’ for further information about room staff.